Current Market:

Online Ordering Open from 8/7 at 12pm – 8/11 at 9pm
Distribution date: 8/14 from 4:30-6pm

We are currently operating the market on a bi-weekly basis.

ALL orders must be completed/confirmed by 9pm on the Sunday before distribution. You will receive an email confirmation when your order is placed! If you don’t, we didn’t receive your order!

If you would like home delivery between 5-7pm on Distribution Day, leave a comment or shoot us an email that says either “contactless delivery” or “door-knock delivery.” If contactless, please leave a cooler for your food on distribution day!


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"Ostrich" ferns
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $4.00 ( Each pot contains one fern plant with several fronds )
Available (Exact): -1

Ostrich ferns are a perennial in Iowa, so they'll return every year and add an old-fashioned touch of class to ... more
Bouquet-worthy Hosta
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $6.00 ( Large pot contains numerous plants )
Available (Exact): 0

Typically planted for their foliage, this hosta offers an added bonus, with bouquet-worthy blossoms in delicate, nearly pink stripes. The ... more
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $6.00 ( Extra-large pot contains several plants )
Available (Exact): 0

Used in history for its healing properties, comfrey is a favorite of bumblebees and other pollinators, sporting purple bell-like flowers ... more
Lily of the Valley
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $2.50 ( One pot contains several plants )
Available (Exact): 0

A woodland perennial native to North America, lily of the valley is the quintessential shade plant, sporting scented white bell-shaped ... more
Rose of Sharon
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $5.00 ( Pot is 7 inches tall and contains several plants that can be divided )
Available (Exact): 0

This garden classic looks like a tropical hibiscus, but is hardy in Iowa! The plants can grow to 7 feet ... more
Spiderwort ("Tradescantia")
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $4.00 ( 1 pot contains several plants )
Available (Exact): 0

Spiderwort is a native wildflower with the prettiest deep-blue flowers that blossom periodically during the summer. This perennial plant will ... more
Tiger lily
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $4.00 ( Pot contains one tiger lily )
Available (Exact): 0

Add a tropical look to your garden with a tiger lily! This easy-to-grow perennial plant adds a splash of color ... more
Variegated hosta
Grower: Sandhill Acres
Price: $6.00 ( Pot contains several plants )
Available (Exact): 0

With unusual, creamy-white variegation, this easy-to-grow hosta is perfect for a shade garden! Lavender bell-like flowers bloom in mid-summer, adding ... more