Middle Way Farm
Website: middlewayfarm.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
After a season off from marketing produce, Middle Way Farm is reemerging as a part-time and solo operation of Jordan Scheibel growing 5-10 crops on a 1/2 acre of tilled ground, plus a no till managed high tunnel and heated greenhouse and sheltered outdoor propagation area. Grown on leased land at the Lacina family farm, under chemical-free MWF managenment since 2014-2016. Through GFTT I plan to offer (in rough order of upcoming appearance) garlic, fall & spring vegetable/herb/flower & native transplants, winter spinach, spring & fall lettuce, strawberries, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, with a few other crops occasionally available, particularly in spring and early summer.
I also am a board member of Grinnell Farm to Table and try to collaborate to host social events throughout the year around food preservation and making traditional foods – canning, apple cider making, gathering & boiling maple syrup, wild edible plants, etc.
For food sovereignty – food production and consumption as a community & human right for ALL. For thinking beyond the small family/individual farm and towards communities feeding themselves cooperatively.